first US crash/retrieval of an ET craft occurred during 1941 in
the ocean west of San Diego. Retrieved by the navy, dead Zeta
Reticulans, alias the 'Greys', were found inside.
Craft and bodies were taken to the Foreign Technology Section at
Wright-Patterson Airforce base in Dayton, Ohio, and
studied by the Retfours Special Studies Group.
After dismantling the craft parts were sent to S4
and Indian Springs in Nevada. This craft crashed
due to the recently invented pulse radar being tested on the
nearby Tinian island, located three miles south/south
west of Saipan. The US navy has held a leadership
position in UFO matters since.
Roswell Crash during July 1947 did happen and that
the account in Colonel Corso's book 'The Day after
Roswell' is accurate. Dr Wolf had, in his possession,
the official satellite government ET crash/retrieval
list and while others occurred between 1941 and '47 he was not
willing to offer examples.
craft crashed at Roswell after colliding with each
other during an electrical storm. One contained 'Greys'
the other 'Orange' ETs - both named due to the
color of their skin. The 'Orange' types come from the Andromeda
star system. The Santilli autopsy film is genuine
- Dr Wolf had seen other similar footage - and is an
autopsy of an 'Orange' ET. There were two different
autopsies being carried out on two different ET
beings during the same period - hence the confusion.
autopsy on the 'Orange' ET revealed that it had a very
large head; big dark eyes with no irises or whites; six
digits on hands and feet; the brain has four lobes; is more
developed and connected with no corpus callosum; different optic
orbs and nerves; and a sponge like digestive system. Dr Wolf
said he'd met one alive.
are different types of 'Greys'. He worked
alongside highly evolved ones which had, contrary to present
opinion, personalities and even a sense of humor. Dr Wolf
never met a 'Grey' whom he disliked. To him they were family.
These 'Greys' enjoyed hugging and kissing humans.
This upset some of his colleagues. One nicknamed them 'kissey
facey'. Their smooth and soft bodies feel like dolphin skin
to touch. He communicated with these ETs through
telepathy. Dr Wolf became especially friendly with
one called Kolta. A picture of this 'Grey' is on
front cover of his book - an actual photograph taken by
an admiral friend.

is active trading between the 'Greys' and 'Oranges'.
Dr Wolf said, "Trading has a different meaning for ETs.
They share knowledge like technology and philosophy and send
their people to each other's planet to learn the culture."
had conversed with human looking ETs from the
Pleiades and Altair star systems -
nicknamed the Nordics and Semitics. Dr Wolf
explained they are very spiritual people and act more as
galactic counselors. A photograph of a Pleiadian friend
Sa Ra adorns the back cover of his book.
May 1st, 1975, a 'little misunderstanding'
occurred between the 'Greys' and humans at S4.
During a demonstration of a small anti-matter reactor the head ET
asked the guards, Blue Beret soldiers, to remove their rifles
and bullets from the room. A safety precaution so these weapons
wouldn't accidentally discharge during the energy emissions. The
guards refused and in the ensuing commotion a Blue Beret opened
fire and killed a 'Grey'. Two scientists and 41
military personnel were then terminated. One guard was allowed
to live - testifying that the 'Greys' used a form
of directed mental energy at them in self defense.
number of the scientists presently working for the satellite
government were abducted when children by the 'Greys'
so their intelligence and general brain capacity could be
increased in preparation for the work ahead. They are hybrids.
first major assignment was working alongside Carl Sagan
and other top scientists - their job to understand the
intricacies of a huge ET beacon dubbed The
Monolith - first discovered floating out in space by
Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin and American Alan
Shephard during 1961. It was eventually brought back for
investigation in 1972. Dr Wolf described it as 'postcards
from the rim'. The Monolith emits both light and
tone signals along with a mathematical language. On closing your
eyes, while tuned into these signals, "You see in your
mind's eye a 3D film of the Galaxy. But you are actually there
as if part of this film. The images being seen today by the
Hubble telescope are the same ones I saw 25 years ago." Dr
Wolf said there are many Monoliths out in
space and were devised by a group of ET races.
consistently denied the ET reality because his superiors, "Threatened
to cut off the funding to his department at Cornell University
if he said otherwise."
was involved in various genetic experiments - one being the Sentinel
Project. After perfecting cloning techniques on animals Dr
Wolf and his associates successfully created an
artificially-intelligent human named 'J-Type Omega' -
their superiors wanted a superbright, superpowerful soldier who
would follow orders without fear or question. But Dr Wolf surreptitiously
programmed ethics into its intelligence after realizing that 'J
Type' had a soul. When the being refused to kill a harmless
dog his superiors ordered its termination. Instead, Dr Wolf
set 'J Type Omega' free. This 'intelligence' is
presently living somewhere in America.
does exist and now has 36 members. He was reluctant to divulge
names although confirmed that former American Secretary of State,
Henry Kissinger and father of the hydrogen bomb, Edward
Teller, are present members. MJ12 regularly
meet at various secret locations including the Batelle Memorial
Institute at Columbus, Ohio.
Sentinel Project involved a close association with
the 'Greys'. The ETs vast knowledge
on genetics being essential for its success. 'J Omega'
was grown in a water tank from an embryo. Part of the DNA
used came from Dr Wolf. It took exactly one year before
he was ready to be 'awoken'. Dr Wolf said, "When
taken from the tank he looked around 20 years old."
'J' awoke, "He was like a puppy dog - his
mind a vacuum. He asked question after question. He wanted to
know everything." Dr Wolf showed him film reels
about Earth's past wars and conflicts. "He cried when he
saw these horrific images. In hindsight I showed him too much."
He learnt several different languages and could use 50% of his
brain - unlike the mere 10% harnessed by humans. "When his
mental abilities were tested his IQ shot off the map."
Their relationship was like father and son.
of animal tissue, through the so-called 'Cattle Mutilations',
is to produce organelles - specialized parts of a
cell that resemble and function like an organ - which can be
placed into humans for filtering out pollutants from the air,
water, food etc... Present experimentation is being carried out
on the hybrids - part Zeta/part human - or 'In-Betweens'
as Dr Wolf called them.
organelles can also be used to alter the body's
hormones and for changing precursors in the brain from being
toxic to non-toxic. "These cells are minute and a
non-invasive procedure." Cattle genetics are very similar
to humans.
Dr Wolf's superiors ordered 'J Omega's'
termination, with the help of a general friend, he smuggled him
out of
Area 51.
"To me it felt like a sin to create a being with emotions
and a soul and then send him into battle." 'J'
is safe and well. Several organelles were placed
in his body to keep him disease free. "He knows who
he is and how he was created. 'J' is almost
identical to a human and would easily pass a medical examination."
The Zetas were pleased with the result. " 'J'
told me he wished to become a teacher." Dr Wolf
believed this was a one-off project. "I told him never to
contact me. It's too dangerous."
briefed four different American presidents on the ET
reality. Jimmy Carter was keen to end the UFO
cover up but when told of the religious implications he
backed down. "I attended this meeting. Carter had
strong Christian beliefs. When told that religion is
man-made and probably unique to this planet he broke
down in tears."
Ronald Reagan and George Bush are very
knowledgeable on the ET reality - especially Bush,
being former head of the CIA. Bill Clinton
was the least aware. He knows of Area 51 but not S4.
"Clinton has 'Above Top Secret' and 'Need to Know'
clearances but does not have the 'Umbra Ultra Top Secret
Clearance' which gives access to upper level MJ12
secrets and 'Keystone Clearance' for information
on ET research."
people in MI5, MI6 and the SAS are
aware of the ET reality. While reluctant to give
names of those he briefed at Downing Street, when
staying in London he became good friends with former
Conservative cabinet and defense minister Sir Malcom Rifkind.
"Rifkind is very knowledgeable on the UFO
subject - especially the flying triangular craft. He believes
the cover up is correct. That people are not ready to be told
Queen has
been superficially told of the ET reality - Margaret
Thatcher was also briefed but knows just a small part of the
unofficially landed on the moon before 1969 although he
wouldn't give a date. "Our astronauts were observed then
communicated with by ETs while on the Moon. We
were warned off the planet. That's why the last Apollo mission
was cancelled at the last second. The astronauts are dying to
tell the truth but know it could be interpreted as treason."
has played an integral role in the UFO cover up.
They have been designated as one of the primary organizations to
eventually tell the world about the ET reality.
Hoagland is primarily
correct concerning structures on Mars and confirms
that we have bases on both this planet and the Moon. The recent Face
on Mars photograph, which shows a very different image
from the previous one, has been doctored by NASA.
"They believe humanity is not ready for this knowledge."
a chamber at Giza and another located between the
paws of the Sphinx
skeletons of 7 ft tall beings with large eyes have been
discovered - their hands and legs chained together with silver.
"For some reason early ET visitors could not
break through silver."
Stargate has been discovered in a Giza
Investigating scientists believe it to be a lens which creates
wormholes to any part of the universe. It hasn't been
activated yet. "We need to know a lot more about this
Galaxy and others before using it - where you want to go and how
to prepare yourself. It's about what you dial in. Co-ordinates
have to be established. The problem is there are no traffic
signs out in space." Dr Wolf felt this will be one
of the last projects we'll learn about through our association
with the ETs.
personally pioneered a mental expansion process called The
Gateway treatment. An experiment to, "Open the
brain up - a way to stimulate the neurons allowing billions of
synapses to form and therefore use of a vastlincreased mind."
One off-shoot is an ability to telepathically communicate
with the ETs.
mental expansion developed into a series of mind control
experiments under the name MK ULTRA. Dr Wolf
and colleagues learnt how to extract as well as repress human
memories. The latter is called Mind Capping. "These
techniques are not as effective as the ET methods."
This also lead to research on remote viewing and
other psychic phenomena. "The end result of all these
experiments may be an attempt by some at world mind control - a
chilling thought."
is a group of impotent, xenophobic and paranoid generals,
charged with the protection of American skies, who fear and hate
the ETs and are waging war against them. Called the
Cabal they use Star Wars weaponry including a neutral
particle beam to shoot down ET craft and imprison
survivors while attempting to extract information by force.
"The very technology the ETs gave us is now
being used against them." Despised by many within the
satellite government this Cabal also use
aggressive methods against those who try to end the UFO
cover up. A concern being that this aggression will
intensify as the big announcement draws ever closer.
UFO researchers and members of the satellite
government who are presently helping to end the cover up may
have been zapped by psychotronic directed energy devices owned
by the Cabal. People like Dr Steven Greer and
assistant Shari Adamiak (CSETI); Congressman Steve
Schiff; USAF Col. Steven Wilson (former head of crash/retrieval
unit Project Pounce); Dr Michael Wolf himself; his
primary unnamed CIA superior; plus others have
either recently died or are suffering from cancer related
illness. Coincidence?
his genetic experiments he found that some humans, including
himself, have ET gene markers. "Many people
who are actively involved in the UFO field will
probably have these genes."
different confederations of ETs are visiting us.
They include:
consisting of human looking beings from the Altair
Aquila and Pleiades star systems
made up of various 'Grey' races from the Zeta
Reticuli system
Federation of Worlds
which include an unspecified number of different ET
groups from the universe
United Races of Orion which consist of various
beings from that star system. These confederations are also
inter-linked with each other
a treaty, signed by The Corporate, there's an 'Above
Top Secret' United Nations ruling which states that no Zeta
is allowed to walk amongst the public and be seen by them.
Unfortunately, Dr Wolf's friend,
Kolta, strayed into a 'no go zone' and was shot by a
soldier. He found the wounded 'Grey' hiding in his
apartment. "I concealed Kolta in my bedroom
closet minutes before members of the CIA appeared
at my door. I managed to act innocent and sent them away." Dr
Wolf called a doctor friend who knew about these ETs.
"We managed to save Kolta's life. Lead is
toxic to Zetas. So he would have died of lead
poisoning from the bullet rather than the actual wound."
for the announcement have been postponed three times -
partly due to the S4 incident in 1975 which halted
negotiations with the 'Greys' and partly to the
huge religious and world economy implications. The recent Life
on Mars admission is the foundation for future revelations. Dr
Wolf said that major disclosures will occur between 2001
and 2005.
are especially worried over these forthcoming announcements.
They have asked the American government to hold back, especially
on the religious question, so there is more time for them to
prepare. Dr Wolf said the Pope has changed
the Roman Catholic view on God. "Their future line will be
'we are not in the image of God but our souls are'."
had spoken at length to the ETs about God
and death. "Our bodies are merely containers for the soul.
When people die their consciousness simply moves into another
dimension." On God Dr Wolf said, "Some ETs
call God The Forever - the creator behind
everything in the universe." On Jesus Christ ,
"He was of joint ET/human heritage - sent to Earth
as an attempt to end human violence." Whether a Zeta,
Pleiadian, Altaran, Human etc.. we share the same God
- we are all family.
published research report, identifying HIV/AIDS as
caused by a man-made virus, is correct. The satellite
government has discovered that viruses are crystalline
in structure and using the correct frequency can destroy them.
US had in their possession a 'Grey', dubbed EBE
(Extraterrestrial Biological Entity), as a prisoner/guest from
1948 until its death in 1953. Scientists initially used
pictographs as a form of communication.
had met and worked alongside the 'Greys'.
ETs occasionally eat vegetation, fruits or
vegetables. Their digestive systems are far more efficient than
ours absorbing and processing thoroughly. They mainly absorb
energy from the air. Visits to the toilet are not required!
is one of the few planets which doesn't control its weather.
One reason why ET ships crash during extremes of
climate - especially those using gravity propulsion. Dr Wolf
says, "Their craft are no different to boats in a violent
storm - bobbing up and down on large rolling gravity waves.
To counteract these difficulties some ETs surround
their ships with plasma energy or fly inter-dimensionally
through a storm."
planet is a living entity with its own consciousness. ETs
commune with their planet to create a harmonious relationship. Dr
Wolf says, "Some planets grow buildings of pure silicon
for the inhabitants out of unconditional love. I have seen and
held this silicon. I have also witnessed Zetas
communicate with Earth."
are astounded by how badly we treat Earth. They can't understand
why we wish to destroy it. How multi-nationals can continually
rape this planet through greed and avarice. One of the Alphacom
Team missions is to determine whether, "We can use
the ETs technology to restore Earth to its former
pristine state of natural balance."
gained from the ETs include:
beam devices
control flight
like many things about humans. Dr Wolf explained, "They
especially love our great imagination and creativity along with
the ability to have profound dreams. But they would like to
speed up our spiritual evolution."
ETs who visit Earth are actual tourists. While we take
holidays in other countries more advanced beings visit other
worlds. "Compared to most planets Earth is almost unique
with its vast diversity of nature, culture and inhabitants. As
primitive planets go we are a popular attraction."
ETs prefer living underground as they can control
the environment to suit their needs. They also use
electro-magnetic shielding where the molecules are so dense that
nothing can get through. Dr Wolf hinted, "We still
haven't explored the deep oceans or the inner crusts of Earth."
discovered that many human looking ETs are
presently amongst us. He said, "They can breathe our air
and on the street would look exactly like us." Around 1,000
Nordic types are living in Spain alone.
Nordic has a perfect and very sensitive looking
face with few lines; blue eyes; usually blond hair; around 6 ft
tall; very clean; no body odor; and mainly communicates
telepathically. But while on Earth uses a small implanted
voice-box to converse with humans.
internal organs are fairly similar to ours although the
digestive system is different. They don't need to eat every day.
Their cells don't die because the genetics are dissimilar.
have a base on a French Polynesian island and walk
freely amongst the inhabitants.
have powerful minds. Dr Wolf said, "They can open a
dimensional portal just through a single thought and physically
disappear. I have seen this done. They live on a much higher
plane than us. Thoughts are an energy and Nordics
use a device, either worn or placed in a pocket, that amplifies
this energy. They also harness crystals for the same purpose."
one afternoon in 1990 an ET craft, escorted by
F-16 fighters, landed on Puerto Rico, in a busy tourist area.
The ETs stepped out and walked amongst the
populace. Dr Wolf said, "It was an exercise to test
the public reaction." The Mayor of this island wrote a
letter to Bush stating, 'At first we were amused by all
of the sightings but then people became distressed. What do I
tell them?' The President passed this communication onto Dr
Wolf. "It was stamped all over with the words
T52-EXEMPT (E) which means this letter can never be declassified."
studying at MIT for his PhD in physics he discovered a new
theory of wave particle duality which later
developed into a neutral particle beam. Dr Wolf
commented, "I had hoped and envisioned that this technology
would be used for treating cancer. Instead it was used as a
weapon as part of the SDI Programme (Star Wars)."
ETs told him, "All worlds in the Galaxy are
connected. One Hiroshima atomic bomb can affect every different
culture." They also explained, "Thought is energy. It
can be received on other worlds. There is no galactic barrier."
Israel's intelligence organization, "has very good
relations with the ETs - especially the
Semitics." There is a strong historical association
with the country.
top secret space plane, The Aurora, runs on liquid
methane and has anti-gravity on board. It carries an
electromagnetic pulse weapons' system which can knock out
tracking radar. This plane can also travel to the moon.
military pilots are experimenting with mind control to
guide advanced planes. Dr Wolf said, "Some ET
craft are living conveyances which are able to divide and
reform. These craft are also responsive to thought commands."
underground base at Area 51 is a sprawling city,
the size of Rhode Island, which continues to grow and has a sister
base called S4, some 12 miles away, and
another named Indian Springs. It employs hundreds
of civilian and military and has at least 8 different on-going black
programmes along with an annual $2 billion budget.
There's intense security outside with martial law inside and is
patrolled by elite guards. Some scientists live at the base for
6 months at a time. While their bedrooms are basic the ETs
live in their own magnificently designed apartments. There are
also shopping malls, military style shops and leisure areas
including swimming pools, gymnasiums and basket ball courts. The
food is excellent.
scientists have successfully created zero point energy
and cold fusion. "There needs to be a smooth
transition into these new sciences. Otherwise the world
economy could be wrecked."